Things You Need To Know Before Building A Gazebo

There are two types of gazebos; the flimsy kind which are quickly erected and battered by the wind or the rain for a season before being disposed of and the ones which are constructed from building materials.

If you are going to build a gazebo you will need to think about several factors before you can even design the structure. One of the first of these is to decide on where the gazebo is going to be situated.  This may seem simple; however, do you know if there are any utilities going under your property? If you don’t then you need to have a land survey conducted, or at the very least consider using the services of One Search Locators to careful excavate the foundation area without damaging any utilities.

Of course, you can just get started and hope, but if you do damage a utility the repair bill could be impressive!

Once you have established your preferred location and that it is safe to dig there you can consider these other factors; before you start building.


Gazebo By The SeaIt is essential to check your local building regulations. You may find there are rules regarding the height of the gazebo or how much of your land you can build on. It is better to verify this before you start your build as opposed to after when you get told to take it down.


It is possible to build your own gazebo, however you need to consider whether you have the building knowledge and experience to create something that will last for many years to come. Paying a professional will increase the cost at the start of the project but should mean that the structure will survive for a much longer period.

Your Intended Use

If you love hosting dinner parties with 20 or more people then there is little point creating a gazebo which will accommodate 5 people! You need to consider what you are likely to use your gazebo for. This will help you decide the size and shape of your structure as well as if it needs any side panels.

You can use your gazebo for anything you like but it is worth thinking about this before you design it, this will ensure it fits your needs.

Draw It

Gazebo By The TreesIt doesn’t need to be an artist quality drawing; you simply need to create the impression of what you want as this will help to ensure the finished product looks as good as the one in your head.


Most people choose to build their gazebos from wood as this is a sturdy but fairly easy material to work with. It can also be varnished or even painted to match the color and style of your garden.

You will need to consider which type of wood you want, bamboo or pine are two of the most common. The alternative is to create a gazebo from metal or even concrete. You may require more specialist help to achieve this goal.

The better prepared you are the easier it will be to get the right materials and have the gazebo you want.


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