16 Effective Household Cleaners That You Already Own, #7 Is Pretty Amazing!

If you are planning to do a complete house cleaning, you should really consider the following items. They are proven to be effective house cleaners and what’s more amazing is that you probably have them all at home.

Check them out and see what item you can use anytime soon.

16 Effective Household Cleaners That You Already Own

Ice Cubes

Toss ice cubes into the garbage disposal. Turn it on and run some cold water. You can add orange or lemon peel too to remove bad odors. The ice cubes helps breaks up grease at the garbage disposal.

Coffee Grounds

Put some coffee grounds in a bowl and place it on a shelf. This can help eliminate unwanted smell or odor around the room. Replace them every month or so.


Old newspaper can help get rid garbage grime. Cover the bottom of a trashcan with newspaper to soak any leaks and odors.


Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar. This can be used to help clean chrome and stainless-steel items. It can also help remove scum, grime and mildew from bathtub, tile and shower curtain.


Play-doh can be used to pick up broken glass or tiny items. Just use small amount of it and dab or roll it a certain place.


Fill a 16-ounce spray bottle with white vinegar and 3 tablespoons of salt. Spray onto copper, let sit briefly, then rub clean.


Dental floss can be used to remove debris from your electric can opener. Try it!


Add a cap of mouthwash in a gallon of water. Use this solution to mop vinyl and tile. Note: Do not use at wooden floors.


Antacids can help freshen toilet bowl in between scouring. Drop some in the water, let it soak for at least 30 minutes then brush and flush. The acid in this mixture can help remove rust rings and other deposits.

Baking Powder and Lemon Juice

A powerful household cleaner combination. This mixture can help remove mold and mildew at tiles and shower curtains.


An effective tool to dust off some of your small items and collectibles. This can help hard to reach surface too.

White Gloves

With a white glove on, dip fingers into a mixture of white vinegar and tap water. Run the fingers across both sides of your venetians and mini blinds.


A slice of a potato can help remove dirt at muddy slipcover or comforter. Rub the cut end of the potato onto it, soak the fabric in cool water and throw it to your next load of laundry.

Lint Brush

With a help of a disposable sheet, lint brush can be used to dust lamp shades and even plant leaves!

Blow Dryer

Blow dryer can be an effective tool to dust off chandeliers and alike. For dirtier and dustier surface, you can use some vodka plus water mixture, spritz on the surface and blow-dry until clean.


For brass items and materials, ketchup can shine it up! Squeeze the condiment onto a cloth, rub the item, then rinse with water and dry with a towel.

H/T : allyou.com/budget-home/organizing-cleaning/secret-cleaners


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